How to define a property

In this Video-Tutorial we show you how you can define the property of a model home.

The basic workflow:

There are two different methods how we can define a property.

Changing the dimensions of the planning area on the layer “Environment”

  • In the first method we select the layer “Environment” because the planning area is located on this layer. The planning area surrounds our project in the form of a frame. We select the frame of the environment – right mouse button – “Properties”. The Area window opens and here we can define the width, depth and the offset of our terrain. The point “Segments” should always be defined with “1” and is only for the use in special cases. After it we press “Ok”. This was the first method how we can define a property.

Define proporty with the function “Terrain elements”

  • In the second method we create over the planning area a bed. This method works very well with oblique property’s. For the entry we use the help of guidelines (“2D & Layout” – “2D Guidelines” – “Guideline”). After we have entered the guidelines we select “Terrain” – “Terrain elements” – “Bed” – “Insert with polygon”. We enter the polygon along our guidelines – press the right mouse button – “Complete”.Attention: the polygon points must be inside the planning area with a distance of minimum 1m to the edges of the planning area.After it we can deactivate the guidelines and we switch to the 3D-view. We select the function “Transfer material” – we select the material of our terrain and we transfer it to our bed. After it we press “ESC”. Now we select the function “Edit material” – we select the planning area and the material editor opens. Here we make a right mouse click into the field “Texture” and we select “Remove selection”. After it we enter for the point “Transparency” for example 90% (so that the planning area is still a little visible) and we press “Ok”. We transfer the properties of the planning area with the function “Transfer Material” also to the edges of the planning area. After it we press again “ESC”.
  • The planning area is now still a little visible and the property gets correct displayed.

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