How to import 2D-DWG / 2D-DXF files

In this Video-Tutorial we show you how you can import with our 3D CAD house planning software cadvilla DWG or a 2D-DXF file in cadvilla.

The basic workflow:

  • In the first step we create a new 2D-view. After it we open the “Menu” – “Import” – “2D-DXF/DWG files”.
  • The dialogue “Open 2D-Symbol file” appears and we select the 2D-DXF/DWG file we want to import with a double mouse click.
  • After the file is loaded the import dialogue opens. At the point “Layer” we can select or deselect layers to show or hide information’s. All changes will be automatically updated in the preview window.
  • If some of the information’s of the 2D-DXF/2D-DWG file does not get displayed in the preview window, maybe the scaling factor is too high. If we want to change the scaling factor we click on the point “Import-Options”. Here we enter at the point “Factor” for example 0,001 for the scaling (The scaling factor depends on the x- and y-size of the project from the 2D-DXF/2D-DWG file. 0,001 serves only as a reference). After it we click anywhere in the window and the project scales automatically. Finally we can press “OK”.
  • In the 2D view we can place the 2D-DWG file now with a left mouse click, after it we press “ESC”.
  • Now we create a new layer for the 2D-DWG file. Therefore we make a right mouse click at the layer “Ground floor” and we select “New layer”. We enter a name for the layer and we confirm with “OK”. After it we switch to the “Ground floor” layer, we select the imported 2D-DWG file – right mouse click – “Move to layer” – “Name of the new layer”.
  • To check the scaling of the 2D-DXF/2D-DWG file we select it – right mouse button – “Modify Scaling”. Now we select two points of a known length. After it the dialogue window opens in which the target length gets displayed. If the target length is not correct we enter the correct length, otherwise we press “OK”.
  • After it we start to enter the walls. Therefore we select “Building” – “External Wall” – “Between two points chain”. We make a right mouse click – “Properties”. We define the properties of the wall with the same properties as the wall in the 2D-DXF/2D-DWG file. Now we switch again to the layer “Ground floor” and we enter the external walls with the function “Between two points chain”. Therefore we select a start point and we choose the correct reference point with the key combination “CTRL+W”. After the entry we press “ESC”.
  • To enter the interior walls we use the same method as at the external walls.
  • After we have entered the walls we can deactivate or delete the layer on which we have imported the 2D-DWG/2D-DWG file.

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