We help you online by remote support
To access your PC online we use Teamviewer, a product of Teamviewer GmbH in Göppingen. Further information about this product can be found under www.teamviewer.com.
To download remote support directly from the teamviewer website, please use the link below:
The procedure for online support is as follows:
- Please download from our server the cadvilla remote support software (from Teamviewer GmbH, size approx. 5.04 MB) by clicking on the remote-support button and then start this program. You can of course also download the program directly from the Teamviewer website.
click on the picture to start
- On start-up the program opens a window in which your user-id and an associated password are displayed.
- Call us on the telephone number shown and arrange an online support date.
- For online support we require your user-id and password. Please supply us with this information before the start of the online session.
- We will then enter this information into our system, allowing us to gain access to your computer and to remotely operate it. All actions which we carry out are displayed in parallel on your monitor.
- At the same time communication can be maintained by telephone, or over Skype or Chat.
Further information:
Once you close the window for cadvilla online support it is no longer possible for us to access your computer and remotely operate it. Each time cadvilla online support is started your user-id remains unchanged but a new password is generated.