Additional features of cadvilla Version 5
The additional features of cadvilla V5 listed in the following table only represent the most important changes compared to cadvilla V4. Of course, many other smaller modifications and enhancements, as well as the elimination of certain weak points, have also been implemented.
Legend for the following table:
– Feature is included in this version
– Feature is not included in this version
The English term “ribbon” also means “menu tape” or “quick access tool bar”. Ribbons make it easy especially for beginners to find and use the desired functions quickly. Functions and buttons are structured by topic. For instance, all functions for the design of a building are located on the ribbon tap page “Building”.
Apart from the icons, the ribbons also includes a descriptive text, enabling you to learn how to use cadvilla quickly.
Additionally, you can find a “Quick Access Toolbar” in the upper areas of the ribbons. This toolbar includes the most commonly required buttons and quick access to recently used functions.
The display of the cadvilla user interface provides two different options:
- Display via toolbars
- Display via ribbons
Switching between the display via toolbars and the display via ribbons is always possible.
Due to a 64 BIT version of cadvilla the size of your projects is no longer limited by the memory capacity of a 32 BIT version.
Up to version 4 cadvilla was a 32 BIT application which was deployed on 32 BIT and 64 BIT operating systems. Starting with version 5 the installation file includes both a 64 BIT and a 32 BIT version. During installation the system automatically detects which version matches the used operating system. With a 64 BIT operating system cadvilla is automatically installed in the 64 BIT version, with a 32 BIT operating system cadvilla is automatically installed in the 32 BIT version.
What are the advantages of a 64 BIT version of cadvilla?
32 BIT applications can manage a maximum of 3 GB RAM memory, at best, from the overall available RAM memory. At best means that the software has to share those 3 GB RAM also with other 32 BIT programs running in parallel (e.g. Windows operating system, antivirus software, office applications). Therefore, typically only 1.5 GB RAM are left for cadvilla in the 32 BIT version.
64 BIT applications can manage a significantly bigger memory area. For instance, if your computer has 8 GB RAM and is equipped with a 64 BIT operating system, you can use around 6 GB RAM memory after deducting various memory resistant programs.
This means for cadvilla that extensive projects can be processed with a corresponding RAM equipment at hand. Loading and processing bigger projects is much faster, and delays/problems due to reloading are a thing of the past. The 64 BIT version of cadvilla is an important investment in the future.
The current version of cadvilla can be displayed in 10 different languages.
The available languages are:
English, German, French
Spanish, Italian, Dutch
Russian, Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian
You can switch between each language directly via the cadvilla user interface. Our cadvilla manual is available in English, German and French.
By default, cadvilla uses the fill patterns and fill colors provided by the drawing functions of the operating system.
Additional predefined hatchings from a catalog can be used via the extension “2D pattern”. The catalog with the predefined hatchings includes, amongst others, hatchings for insulation, reinforced concrete, lightweight concrete, wood, and much more.
The following additional parameters can be defined for each hatching:
- Width and height of the hatching
- Angle of the hatching
- Line color
- Line width
- Fill color
By default, cadvilla uses the fill patterns and fill colors provided by the drawing functions of the operating system in order to fill the terrain areas.
Other predefined 2D fill patterns can be used from the catalog via the extension “2D pattern”. The catalog with the predefined 2D fill patterns for the terrain areas includes, among others, hatchings for coniferous forest, deciduous forest, lawn, water, and much more.
The following additional parameters can be defined for each hatching:
- Width and height of the hatching
- Angle of the hatching
- Line color
- Line width
- Fill color
By default, roof, floors and walls cannot be occupied with a 2D pattern.
However, additional predefined 2D fill patterns can be used from the catalog via the extension “2D pattern”. The catalog with the predefined 2D fill patterns for roof areas, wall areas and floor areas includes, among others, hatchings for parquet patterns, tile patterns, roof tiles, wall tiles, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, lawn, water, and much more.
The following additional parameters can be defined for each hatching:
- Width and height of the hatching
- Angle of the hatching
- Line color
- Line width
- Fill color
If the predefined fill patterns and hatchings are not sufficient, you can create own patterns using the cadvilla 2D drawing functions.
Create your own pattern using the 2D graphics functions (e.g. lines, circles, arches), and then save them as your own 2D symbol. Afterwards you can use this 2D symbol in order to fill areas.
Starting with cadvilla professional, it is possible to read in patterns from an existing library of 2D DXF files, and convert them to a 2D symbol.
Until now it was only possible to use textures in 3D views. Now you can use textures from an existing texture catalog also as a design element for 2D top views and 2D views.
The textures can be scaled and rotated randomly, and this opens up completely new possibilities.
For instance, you can now occupy floors, roofs and walls with real textures in 2D views and design terrain areas in the 2D top views accordingly.
There are no limits to your creativity.
The function “Multiple input for auxiliary lines” accelerates the design of an auxiliary line grid or an auxiliary line web remarkably.
Especially with already measured floor plans you can quickly capture and illustrate the chain dimensioning marked on the plan by using this function.
In the first step you define the starting point, the direction and the angle of the sequence of the auxiliary lines. A dialog window opens in order to define the following auxiliary lines. You can put in up to 20 subsequent auxiliary lines one after the other. The inquired distance is always the distance to the auxiliary line that was put in previously.
Example for the input of a sequence of the auxiliary lines:
Put in the value 0.40. Then press the tab key. Now you are on the push button “new auxiliary line”, and you confirm this by pressing ENTER.
The cursor jumps back to the input of the distance for the next auxiliary lines, and you can start with the input of the next auxiliary lines.
After the completion of the sequence of the auxiliary lines you can terminate the input by pressing “Finish input”.
Additionally, you can also define the color and line style for the sequence of the auxiliary lines.
This example shows how to use terrain area textures in 2D view.
This example shows the use of a roof texture in the 2D side view. The wall in the 2D side view was covered with a 2D pattern. The floor in plan view was partially covered with a texture and a 2D pattern.
This example shows the use of a roof texture in the 2D side view. The walls in the 2D side view were covered with a 2D pattern.
This example shows the use of 2D patterns for the display of different walls and wall superstructures.
Standard patterns and 2D patterns were combined for the selected walls. The middle part is a 2D pattern and displays an insulating layer.
The wall in the lower part was textured with a 2D pattern.
In the dialog windows next to it a query about the 2D pattern is displayed.
Additional features of cadvilla Version 4
The additional features of cadvilla V4 listed in the following table only represent the most important changes compared to cadvilla V3. Of course, many other smaller modifications and enhancements, as well as the elimination of certain weak points, have also been implemented.
Legend for the following table
– Feature is included in this version
– Feature is not included in this version
In addition to the familiar free input of the external walls and the roof, there is also the possibility to use the project assistant for simpler floor plans.
Using the project assistant you can go in 5 steps directly to the basic structure of your project.
- Capturing the project data
- Selecting the floor plan type for the building outlines
- Input of the dimensions of the selected floor plan type
- Number of floors with floor-to-floor height
- Definition of the roof.
Thus, the project assistant generates the complete basic structure of your dream house in just a few steps.
After placing the finished building on the premises, you can start putting in the internal walls, the windows and the doors.
The project assistant provides predefined floor plan types. They are rectangle, L-shape, U-shape and porch. After defining the floor plan, type the corresponding edge lengths are inquired. You can also select the option for a user-defined input if you want to put in the outline according to your own taste.
After defining the roof you can choose between the possibilities
- automatic roof shape by defining the roof type
- user-defined roof shape
in the project assistant.
The function elongated roof allows you to extend any side of the roof by additional areas (the so called elongated roofs).
An elongated roof is first of all put in as a rectangle. This rectangle can then be modified by roof openings as desired. For this purpose the parts of one side of the roof that are no longer required are clicked off. Now any type of elongated roof is possible.
Concerning the added elongated roof the rafters are automatically adjusted.
It is possible to generate polygonal and rectangle roof openings.
The feature roof openings can be used on one hand to define roof terraces but also to provide elongated roofs an individual contour (see image).
With this function it is also possible to cut off entire roof areas simply skewly.
Thus any roof edge can be defined with the help of the roof openings.
More details about merging roofs
The definition and input of circular roofs on circular floor plans is done via a dialog which inquires the radius, the number of segments and all other settings.
Optionally, the walls can be created at the same time for every segment under the roof.
There is an additional option for a 3D roofing in the roof dialog besides the standard texturing of roofs (like in the example on the right with concrete roof tiles).
In the process, you can generate exactly defined 3D trapezoidal sheets, 3D corrugated sheets and 3D folded sheets.
After the selection of the roofing type, the individual settings for each height, width etc. (see image) are inquired.
Afterwards, a 3D solid is automatically created and the roof is added by the corresponding roofing.
In the adjacent image you can see an example for the
- 3D folded roof with inquired parameters
- 3D corrugated iron roof with the inquired parameters
- 3D trapezoid roof with the inquired parameters
- roof with a pure 2D texture (standard for all cadvilla versions)
Remark: All images were directly generated from cadvilla.
The extended timber construction includes the option coupled purlins in the area of purlin roofs, aligning purlins and purlins in between binder.
In the dialog for the coupled purlins/hall purlins, the following parameters are inquired:
- Type of design (coupled purlins, running through, in between binder)
- the dimensions of the purlins (width and height)
- the center distances with the number of partitions
- distance of the first and the last purlin from the roof edge.
Regarding coupled purlins the overlap length and the distance to the connection is inquired as well.
Coupled purlins are among other things used with industrial buildings.
Regarding an extended timber construction for roofs you can put in manually individual rafters and purlins as well.
Beams can be added via 2 arbitrary points or via 2 points on one level. When manually putting in rafters, the roof side is inquired first (in order to take over the angle and the length) and then the positioning.
All woods that were automatically generated and put in ex post, can automatically be trimmed on one or two levels. The planes of reference are thereby inquired manually.
In the adjacent image the upper beam is trimmed in the front on 2 levels, the lower beam is trimmed on the head on only one level.
Moving, deleting, changing beams:
After generating a timber construction, individual beams can be selected and the dimensions of the beams can be modified ex post in their width and height.
It is also possible without any problems to move and delete beams.
When moving the rafters, the lengths of the beams are automatically adjusted to the required length.
If additional beams are required, they can be generated after selecting them via multicopy.
In the case of the area and mass determination all elements included in the planning (rooms, walls, windows, doors, pillars, ceilings, chimneys, roofs) are listed in a clear tree structure. When choosing individual elements from the tree structure the properties such as dimensions, areas, volumes, formulas etc. are displayed in the detail window, and in the floor plan the element is marked red accordingly.
This way you have – in addition to the detailed display of masses – also visual control in the 3D view.
An entire presentation of masses as part of the project can be created in form of a table/list in different formats (Excel, PDF, RTF). This way you can create for example a list of all walls including all masses and areas for further calculation and proposal preparation by generating an EXCEL file.
The catalog of 2D symbols was extended by the category vehicles and added by many other categories.
The 2D display of the vehicles in the top view, front view, back view and side view is included in it.
This extended catalog of 2D symbols allows a more sophisticated design of the 2D views than before.
The angular dimensioning can now be generated automatically.
After the input of the angular point, the angular reference line and the angular line of sight, the angle symbol is generated with the degree display and can be positioned accordingly.
The measuring function was extended by 2 functions.
- Measurement of angles
- Measurement via polygons.
Here, the perimeter of the polygons is measured by simply hovering over the polygon poly line.
As soon as the measured polygon is closed, the m2 that are included in it are also displayed.
In case of the photovoltaics elements there is the opportunity to put in several modules at the same time via a grid (e.g. 5 modules horizontally and 3 module vertically)
The number of 3D objects for the photovoltaics elements was extended.
Mode details about shade simulation
In addition to the regular roof frame work – consisting of rafters, collar beams, binding beams, purlins, hip rafters, collar rafters and collar boards – the roofing battens can either be created for an individual roof area or for the entire roof.
Hereby the edge distances, the distance between battens, the location of the first roofing batten, the dimensions of the battens and many other things are inquired.
Afterwards the roofing batten is created automatically and displayed in the 3D view.
The display of the roofing battens may be required for the positioning of the roof tiles.
In the room data sheet you can now automatically obtain the surface areas of the roof, the lengths of the collars, the lengths of the angles, the lengths of the verges, and the ridges and eaves.
The values can also be checked visually in the planning views.
You can obtain the areas and volumes for own 3D constructural designs /3D objects in the room data sheet.
Additional features of cadvilla Version 3
The additional features of cadvilla V3 listed in the following table only represent the most important changes compared to cadvilla V2. Of course, many other smaller modifications and enhancements, as well as the elimination of certain weak points, have also been implemented.
Legend for the following table:
– Feature is included in this version
– Feature is not included in this version
Primitives are various predefined basic solids. The following primitives are provided in cadvilla; cube, cone, cylinder, sphere, torus, wedge and pyramid. The properties of primitives, such as materials, dimensions, transformations, radii, segmentation and heights, can be specified in the associated properties dialog before the solid is inserted.
Primitives can be input and freely positioned with the appropriate function or using construction aids to input a rectangle which defines the width and depth of the solid.
New solids can be created by combining several primitives.
Four different operations are available in order to produce a user-created 3D construction as an entity.
In the case of solids which penetrate each other:
- Solids can be unified with the ‘Union’ operation.
- One solid can be subtracted from the other with the ‘Difference’ operation.
- The part common to two solids can be created with the ‘Intersection’ operation.
In the case of solids which do not penetrate each other:
- Solids can be merged with the ‘Merge’ operation.
In our example the different operations are illustrated using a rectangular solid and a cone.
Apart from providing other options for construction in addition to the predefined building components, 3D construction allows the user to design his own 3D objects for the object catalog and thus extend the catalog as required.
The objects are formed by combining 3D elements, known as solids. There are four different types.
- Primitives: Basic predefined solids e.g. cube, cylinder, pyramid.
- Extrusion solids: Created from a closed 2D contour for which a height is specified.
- Rotation solids: Created from a closed 2D contour that rotates around a specified axis.
- Sweep solids: Created from a closed 2D contour which follows a defined path.
The solids that have been created can be edited with other functions such as merging and uniting, or using Boolean operations, while being combined to form new 3D objects.
Examples of applications for the use of 3D constructions to create objects are carports, terrace roofs, balconies, lattices, rose arches and plant pots, and many more.
Images and 2D Elements can be scaled very accurately. This allows images of floor plans to be added in and used as a ‘blueprint’ on which the 3D model of the building can be constructed.
The procedure for creating a 3D model is quick and easy.
- Load the image of the 2D floor plan:
Load the image from a JPG, BMP, PNG or GIF file. - Scale the image:
The image must be scaled to the correct dimensions, as undefined dimensions and incorrect proportions can often result during input.
You can achieve this by putting in a reference dimension which is defined by specifying two endpoints in the image. Then a dialog box will appear that shows the current measurement while allowing for a numerical input of the actual value. After exiting the dialog, the image is scaled to the new dimensions. - Input of the 3D model of the floor plan:
You can now start with the input/blueprint of the floor plan. Measurements for wall thicknesses, windows and doors can be taken directly from the inserted image using the measuring and dimensioning functions provided.
Approximately 40 additional doors are included with a selection of
- Front doors and front doors with side panels
- Interior doors and double doors
- Sliding doors and folding doors.
The 2D representation of doors has been enhanced to now include doors with side panels, double doors, folding doors and sliding doors.
Wall intersections are normally handled automatically in cadvilla. This applies to butted as well as intersecting and angled wall connections.
For complex wall connections it is sometimes necessary to lock the intersection of two walls to enable the wall ‘knot’ to be untied.
The locked intersection of two walls can, of course, be deactivated again at any time.
More details about Customizing satellite images to match the terrain
This function serves to speed up the choice of user folders when saving files (e.g. projects, objects) by not having to first click through the folder structure.
This can be useful, for example, if you have a directory structure for user projects and you want to access these with a single click.
The function can also be useful when saving newly created objects and when creating new object catalogs.
The representation of roofs has been extended to include further options for 2D and 3D views.
The following additional visibility options can be activated and deactivated for the 3D representation of the roof:
- Roof cladding
- Roof lining.
In the 2D plan view the 2D representation of a roof results by default from the contour of the roof itself. In some cases this particular representation is not sufficient and can be changed with the aid of an additional option.
The options necessary to modify the representation of a roof in 2D are located in the ‘Advanced’ section of the properties dialog for the view itself.
The processing of cross-sections has been changed as follows:
➔ when a cross-section view is closed it only becomes invisible.
➔ when a cross-section symbol is deleted the associated cross-section is also deleted.
➔ the context menu for a cross-section symbol contains options to display the cross-section view or to create it if required.
NEW: 3D Converter – automatic allocation of 2D alternative representations to 3D objects.
NEW: 3D Converter – convert entire directories of images into 3D objects.
NEW: More than 120 2D profiles – including steel beam profiles and molding profiles.
NEW: Catalog for 3D constructions including examples.
NEW: Reduced main memory requirements, especially when using 3D objects.
NEW: Optional extended memory usage, manual settings necessary in the operating system.
NEW: More than 100 new 3D objects – including beds, bedroom furnishings, fences etc.
NEW: Rendering (ray tracing) of a detail. (Very useful for testing the results of ray tracing).
NEW: Search and replace missing image, symbol and object files when loading a project.
NEW: Function ‘Adjust Scaling’ for image files.
NEW: Function ‘Adjust Scaling’ for 2D symbols.
NEW: New function ‘Copy with a reference point’ in the toolbar.
NEW: Guidelines at a fixed distance – the distance can be retained and the dialog suppressed.
NEW: Additional ‘Remarks’ text for rooms.
NEW: Enhanced ridge purlin for pent roofs.
NEW: Inputting windows and doors with both sides mitered.
NEW: Multiple copies performed over the toolbar.
NEW: Compatibility option when saving project files.
NEW: Undo steps for ‘Edit room, floor & room description’ have been unified.
NEW: The handling of hidden cross-section views has been modified.
NEW: ‘CTRL’+click in 3D views activates, if necessary, the layer of the object to be selected.
NEW: 2D graphics, create contour, transform arcs, lines and polygons into closed contours.
NEW: 2D graphics, polygon, split into line segments.
NEW: 2D graphics, polygon, adjust scaling.
NEW: ‘Grips’: Improved handling, settings for size and color.
NEW: Enhanced text input for item text.
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